social enterprise opportunities for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome and other developmental disabilities.

Customer Testimonals

First of all I wanted to give you and the team at Lemon and Allspice a BIG thank you for all your efforts in providing us with the catering for our two-day event. Even with all the many many calls and changes we had you handled it so well and were so efficient. The food was also excellent – everyone was so pleased and we had a lot of questions about your organization!

– Carter Hammett, JVS Toronto


I enjoy coming into the coffee shed in the morning because of the positive atmosphere, how helpful the Partners are in selling their products and those delicious chocolate cookies. The Partners at the Coffee Shed are part of the JVS team and I want to support them as much as I can, so they can train and succeed on running a successful coffee shop

– James Beelik, JVS Toronto